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Flashback Fashion...

It's been a crazy week and although I can't believe it's really truly Friday, I have got to say I'm glad to see it! Fear not, I've still managed to squeeze time into researching and reviewing what's new and some super styling that's been going on at New York and London Fashion Weeks..

You've gotta' love it when a trend rears its head again and you can potentially furnish it from your wardrobe archives...(this means the vacuum packed bags I hide away at the top). This does come with it's frustrations when you know you have something, exactly the item and even the feel and you can't sodding find this case, some amazing wide legged jeans from Banana Republic which are still missing in action!

The look I'm keen to work on, the 70's vibe!! From the family vault, I bring you this beauty..;

Late 70's family pic..That'll be me, babes in arm..

Seriously though, there are a couple of trends that I'm loving right now..;

  • Block colour - even if you do swerve towards black and white, all you need to do is invest in some colour blocks and voila, fashionista!
  • Flares - OK, not for everyone and need to be worn in the right way to pull off the look.. this doesn't mean with Timberlands and a hoody, this is elegance and femininity..
These are some of the images from said NY and LFW that have given me some inspiration for my next shopping trip..;

I'd wear all of this.. given the budget and the leg length!

All three of the pictures above I heart more than the fact it's Friday (honestly) ..I'm not sure I could pull off the "Yetty" in the middle picture but, I'd give it a good go!! I love the use of colour in these images and although I'd stand out in the queue at Waitrose, I'm prepared to give it a bash!

I want to be her...

Major crush on this whole ensemble..(obvs including the handsome chap too)..Yeah it's all black but, it's perfect..the floppy hat (I need to get me one), the bag (understated yet, just so), the cuff (why don't I have one?), the glasses that scream elegance oh and the clothes themselves... 

I'm not entirely sure at my height (5 foot 1" on a big hair day), that I can pull off the whole wide leg trouser look, maybe if they are properly balanced with the right jacket and it's minimal then maybe. I fear I'll get my heel caught in the power turn ups resulting in a hop, stumble and STACK IT..not so elegant..

Sooo, back to rooting through my vacuum packed bags of clothes from yesteryear... maybe I can call them vintage.. (when can you class clothes as vintage?? Sounds way cooler than saying it's five years old..).

Today I wore this in preparation for tonight's post...;

Recycling Fashion - Would the masses think I'm wearing "bootcut"..?!?

The jeans are definitely flares..I have decided this because they pretty much cover my feet (not hard being a size 3) and, they go out from just below the knee...They are 5+ years old (vintage?!) so feeling pretty smug they still fit, that said, it's going to take some getting used to as I'm a skinny jeans kinda' gal..
The top, again newly classed as vintage was from French Connection.. it's cape like swing effect gives it the 70's vibe I think..

I have thrown together (literally due to time constraints) a couple of other looks for your perusal..;

Everyday and dressed up a bit...The stance not intentionally matching, the best of the ones I took.

I realise I'm not hitting the full on wide leg look I'm swooning over or even, popping the colour... It's a start without any investment..

What do you think...? Have you made the leap from skinny to flare? Have you been bold enough to go colourful and wide legged..?

Enjoy your Friday.


  1. Inspiration alert... Orange trews and monochrome top.. That's my next look. Thanks as ever x

  2. I have a pair of diesel flares that I need to get taken up then I'm totally for rocking this look!! I have the same beige coat as you in the last photo. You look great in flares all 5'1 of you!!

  3. I have some J Brand flares which don't see the light of day often enough. Plus they require some super high heels as I'm a bit of a shorty myself xx


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