Personal Style, Fashion and Lifestyle Blog.

Fashion Forward...

I've been struck down and not sure if I'm going to make it through the night... OK, it's a cold and I'll be fine! I took to my bed early last night (to feel sorry for myself) and soon forgot about the ridiculous amount of snot (sorry) being produced and I let my mind drift to my favourite past time, SHOPPING! 

I'm overly excited about the new lines coming into the shops (I know I've already mentioned it) so, I thought I'd share what I found last night (whilst resting)... 

THE SALES (yeah they're still on and it's not just crap left, trust me)

I usually pick up some cracking buys at this time of year that work through Spring and sometimes into Summer.. 

First on my list was Reiss.. I'd already done a "sale" shop there over Christmas and decided to see what was further reduced (with credit card poised)...I bought these jeans for £55 at Christmas and now they are down to £33 (I'm ok with this, I love them) from £110!!! The jeans are called "SMITH" and fall brilliantly into both the metallic and patterned trouser trends. I teamed mine with gold Louboutin's however, looking at how Reiss have styled it in the image below, I'm thinking grey/taupe shoes would also work...(As luck would have it, I have some..);

Have I really just put a photo of me next to a model..?!?
So whilst also on the Reiss quest, I happened upon the maxi skirt and belt below - again, massive bargains and definitely trans-seasonal so, a good investment in my opinion! The skirt was £129 and now down to £38 and the belt was £59 down to £17 (*adding to basket*)

Act quickly, there's bargains to be had!
If I (it's as likely as day becomes night) buy these then, already I can think of various looks to go for - right now with a biker jacket that's for sure! Here's some more ideas below (which aren't in the sales however, the skirt and belt are practically free so you can make up for it with these...?);

Yeah, we are clear I love a statement necklace already!
Top left - River Island £15, Top right - Topshop £65
Bottom left - Zara £22.99, Bottom right - River Island Limited Edition £25, various colours available.

Act quick people there are bargains to be had out there!


I've had a lovely letter from my credit card company today telling me that they had "reduced my interest rate", this is lucky by all accounts... I want everything featured today!

There are a few areas to cover under my heading "the new stuff".... first up, STRIPES! I love stripes, in fact I own far too many tops (and dresses now I come to think of it) like below, they are too easy and usually my cheat outfit when I'm not sure what I'm going to throw on.

Glad I hadn't deleted previous WIWT photos from my phone...
I'm drawn to striped dresses;

ASOS Midi Dress £24! (love how it's styled too)
New in a Warehouse for £60 - super slimming dress with a feature back - what's not to love?!

I've also started a little (4 isn't many is it?) wish list for shoes...I'm thinking all would work with the dresses above, adding a bit of colour/fun..;

I love them all!
Top left Zara £49.99, Top right River Island £100
Bottom left River Island £70, Bottom right ASOS £45!

These shoes would all work with so much (see how I justify things?), my peep toe shoe boots needed replacing 12 months ago but i couldn't, I had nothing to take their place.... UNTIL NOW! Laser cut leather shoe boots will update my look so I'm sold!

Whilst mooching on line, I decided it was time to start research for my holiday clothes...Here is the first little capsule selection, all River Island ;

Show me the sunshine!

I already have a jumper similar to the white top however, this is also on the list for summer now as the woolly one will get shelved when the sun comes out (fingers crossed/touching wood/praying to the sun God)... The shirt, what can I say, love the colour and style - it'll work for work (that doesn't sound right) and also with bits I already have; pleather leggings and denim shorts, versatile YES! The shorts, ok, I have several pairs however, these are soooo different (they have stars on of course). The bag, really like this (so much, its been added to basket, they do it in several colours and shown above too). The necklace... I think I'm going to need another cork board!

Last bit of retail news that got me coughing on my Strepsil, New Look have started up their petite section. It's on line only for now but, I reckon if I buy enough I could get them to open a whole store in Bristol?? (I'd settle for a few rails)..

I'm done for today, I shall be spending the rest of my evening over a bowl of steaming Vicks! Let me know what you think about the picks so far, what would you do different? Have you had a sneak at the end of season sales? 

Let me know if you pick up a bargain...

Toodles x

Cinders Sunday & Wardrobe OCD...

Sundays in my world are all about getting my act together for the following week. This usually involves glamorous activities such as; tackling the ironing pile (that's gonna need scaffolding should it get much higher) and trying to find the bottom of the wash basket (negative affect on the former and never-ending)!

Yesterday's Cinders Sunday had to be crammed into a smaller window than normal largely because I completely forgot a friends birthday (!!!!). I ended up whirl winding around at warp speed to get it all done however, even when I knew there was lots to be done, I still ended up starting a job I wish I hadn't... THE WARDROBE! 

The perfect wardrobe was introduced to me at an early age, yep... my Nan (she really has been a huge influence on my life)! As children, we (the 5 grand daughters) used to love sitting on the end of her (perfectly made) bed swinging our legs and admiring the perfection that was her wardrobe - everything has it's place, colour co-ordinated within an inch of it's life and full of stylish clothes (you can almost hear the angels sing when she slides the doors open)..

I am as guilty as the next for "I've got nothing to wear.." moments however, I do have a tidy out every 6 months or so! This involves getting it ALL out, sorting through, trying on and rationalising, the result usually is realising that "that goes with that" and so on. I find things I've forgotten about and re work them or, get rid. I have remained the same size for quite a while and do consider shopping as an active hobby (resulting in a lot of clothes!).

I've recently had a new wardrobe which (in theory) allows me loads more space however, since installation I haven't invested anytime into getting it "just so"... I have a system and I have to stick to it (I realise it sounds more like I need to get a life or perhaps intense therapy), it works...

Wardrobe Rules

  • Nothing gets put away unless its ironed (yep, this does create another mess but, its hidden under the stairs in the cupboard of doom!) I don't have time to iron on demand, such a faff!
  • Everything has it's place - work clothes in one section, coats and jackets in another and everything else together oh, and it's all in colour order, STRICTLY.
  • If something doesn't fit or its seasonal then it goes in vacuum bags and is shoved on the top out the way. I can't stand clothes being crammed in, you can't see what you actually have.
  • One item per hanger - this ones self explanatory.
  • Lastly, the accessories... this is an area where the psychologists would have a field day...In my defence, it's usually the last thing to get added to an outfit and I've had too many occasions of going to grab a necklace on the way out the door to find its grossly tangled to 3 others (how does this happen?!?) ...this usually ends in an unsavoury Tourettes like episode that no one needs, right?!
So, I'm putting myself out there and giving you a small insight into my wardrobe...

One cork board, pins and TaDa!

OK, two cork boards, don't hate me..

Clutch bags filed in a box...

Bangles and bracelets and yes, that is a toilet roll inner - I'm borderline Blue Peter here, I realise this!
This takes me to my love of statement necklaces, some might say obsession...they can take an outfit from "meh" to something more interesting I think. Maybe its just my personal style twist..? No matter, I'm drawn to them in shops like a magpie... My favourite haunts for statement necklaces on the High Street are Topshop, ASOS, Primark (never more than £6 and always on trend), New Look, Miss Selfridge, River Island and (shocker) Wallis! That said, I'd love to be able to splurge on Kenneth Jay Lane and Kate Spade - high end jewellery can be picked up at discounted rates on sites like The Outnet and ASOS.

In my blog on Saturday, I mentioned a new necklace I'd picked up from New Look, here it is in it's £5.99 glory! 

Here's another one I've seen in Topshop and most likely (very likely if I'm honest) will be adding to the collection soon;

This isn't me trying it on... (just in case you were wondering)
I've trawled my WIWT archives of photos from the last 5 months and here's a selection of some of my neck gear;

Enough on that, you'll be reaching for rope not jewels if that little feature goes on!

Just before I sign off I wanted to share an outfit from the weekend. The skinny cargo pants are fairly old and well worn however, I've dragged them out as I've noticed them creeping back in the shops lately. I was thinking I could really do with a new pair and boom, an email drops in my inbox from H&M...I think I'll be investing in these and possibly, the cream jumper...(you know the Topshop necklace would work..);

Out with the old...
In with the new...(with a metallic twist if I'm not mistaken)
That's it from me...the wardrobe isn't going to colour code itself.

Oh oh, before you go... I'm now on Twitter too, follow me @missionstyleuk


No Pain, No Gain & TWO Shopping Trips...

Not sure how many of you were up at 6am this morning stuffing a protein bar and half a litre of water prior to hitting up a bootcamp...Honest feeling when the alarm went off was uggghhh (for one second thinking "I'd rather wear a baggy t-shirt over a bikini"..clearly this was the sleep deprivation talking, that is not the goal!).

Luckily that feeling passed quicker than 30 sits ups on a muddy bank (this did happen, 4 TIMES by the way!). At 6.50am (sharp, wouldn't dare rock up late) 20 or so of us from The Fitness Hub gathered in the dark on the Bristol Estuary coast and trained insane. We sprinted up hills, did press ups in the mud, burpees on the pavement (much to the dog walkers surprise), repeat ran the steps and generally got down and diiirrty (mud/gravel, nothing a 60* wash wouldn't sort..) During this time the sun rose and put his hat on, a beautiful day was beginning...(even though there was snot from nose to knee and now writing this, EVERY muscle in my body is screaming).

The day was now rolling so after a quick "fix up, look sharp" turnaround , it was out to JayGees salon for a hydrating facial (this weather messes with your skin - mine felt vile, likely caused by my need to have the heating on full whack and then running around in sub zero degrees) ... I took a decision a couple of years ago that it was time to step up the facial treatments. (Mainly psychological due to celebrating another birthday the wrong side of 30!) I ramped up the (lack of) intensity from once every 6 month facials to a more regular regime and bust out the big guns with Dermaquest facial treatments. There's a lot of good stuff to report on this product range and although I planned on covering it today, I've been shopping (twice), so guess what has taken priority on this blog...?! 

A Shopoholic's Saturday wouldn't be complete without a trip to the shops and after all, the sun still had his hat on... I'm all over building my spring/summer wardrobe, swooning over new stock in stores, trying not to peak too soon, my pulse practically doubled with the excitement... On arrival at Cabot Circus i already knew that new sunglasses were in order...(fessing up, I knew that this was the day no matter what, I was procuring them, sun or not)!! 

This took me direct to the David Clulow department in House of Fraser (with a couple of head turns as I passed the Mulberry concession) and it did not fail me, there they were, the beautiful Chanel new season aviators I'd lusted after since a cheeky try on at Christmas (I realise I'm not following the "Nan rules" here..). In my defence I didn't take the plunge lightly, I shopped around and my new glasses were £60(!!!!) cheaper here than other High Street establishments, the other reason for the stalled purchase was waiting for some vouchers I'd won to come through - with the vouchers and shopping about, the glasses cost me £27 (you do the math,not a tough decision to make)!

It'd be rude not to have a try on whilst waiting for them to bag up your new sunnies..;

2013 Tom Ford, Candice

2013 Tom Ford, Lana
These were a close second - 2013 Chanel 6038 with cultivated pearls no less oh and, the cat-eye shape of the season..!!!

Two apologies are owed at this point 1) Due to the facial, today has had to be a makeup free day and you've got numerous face pics, soz! 2) In all the excitement of choosing the case of my choice and signing the warranty, I ummm, didn't ahem, TAKE A PHOTO - HUGE BLOGGER FAIL!!! I have tried a couple of attempts since getting home but alas, the lighting doesn't do them any favours... you'll just have to check back soon when I guarantee they will make an appearance, until then, here is the beautiful box (just me that gets excited by this...?) and one of the glasses courtesy of Google images;

Thinking this was the days purchase done and dusted, I left town just £27 lighter and suitably smug! A quick catch up with a fab friend turned into a wardrobe review (hers) and a spontaneous shopping trip! The challenge, add colour into her grey/white/beige/black wardrobe... she wants the colour, its just taking the plunge to wear something different and fill the gaps - by the time we left she had a fab little capsule wardrobe and a load of inspiration to wear and rework what she had - Mission;Style, COMPLETE.

(Side note - high props to her beautiful 18 month old son who perfected 
shopping etiquette and responded well to a steady flow of attention and healthy treats)

How cute?! Hat from Next

Clearly, I still had a pulse so picked up a couple of little bits too from a super sized New Look..;

Loving the New Look changing rooms - Definitely, Maybe  hangers

The "Definitely" selection....Statement necklace and red shopper, £20 well spent!

All in all a long, yet fabulous day with some great buys for the start of the trans-seasonal wardrobe (so excited by the new lines landing in store)!

To sign off, I need to mention two wall posts on the Mission;Style Facebook page;
1) A reader who had been keeping up with my blog this week (week 1, it's only week 1 people) said that she had a "blog" inspired shopping trip and was braver than her usual shopping habits - RESULT!
2) A readers boyf thanking me for him having to spend his Saturday afternoon in Primark whilst she power shopped new buys!

What an impact, what a week. I'm overwhelmed.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend x

Footwear Fail...

Today's work took me from my home in North Somerset to the centre of Birmingham... In my world this is no big deal and I'd planned the wardrobe accordingly (of course) - out of front door, into car, get fuel at services, arrive in central Birmingham, walk to customers etc etc... this is all very normal... until as you drive up the M5, you notice that it is starting to resemble a scene from Narnia...Brilliant, absolutely Brill.i.ant!!

Having arrived a little early I figured that if I whacked the heating up in the car and left the engine running it would at least melt a little area for me to do a graceful dismount from the vehicle without the unsuitable footwear going one way and the Prada, the other (upstairs for thinking people, but I also realise how girlie this sounds). In all honesty, I think even the huskies would have backed off this challenge ;

Blades would have been more useful..
After executing the move from the car further danger lay ahead... cobbles, sodding cobbles... Any girl knows these really do mess with your heel - best result is you don't stack it in your hidden platforms (wobble wobble fall), worst is you lose your heel tip, sound like a tap dancer and increase slip levels to DEFCON 5 on shiny floors...( surprising how much traction the 1cm square area gives really)..

(Not the actual cobbles... taking photos of them outside wouldn't have been appropriate and I needed every bit of balance I had!)

For the mildly observant, you'll realise that these aren't the "new" work shoes previously mentioned in Working 9-5.. (they completely shredded my feet on the first wear. Who knew I had Professor Klump feet?!?) However, just about all of my work shoes are black patent and of a similar heel height - this heel height does not get downgraded for anything due to the fact I have had one too many occasions walking towards customer receptions when the "automatic" door sensor doesn't "pick me up".. That my friends, is somewhat embarrassing because the next stage from here is standing outside doing A BIG WAVE to catch the sensor to open up... 

In other news, it looks like I have won a little trip away with work so my mind drifted to holiday clothes (I really am that shallow) when stopping to grab my lunch (this translates to a M&S sandwich at the services) after the dramatic morning, I figured I could just have a mooch through the apps at "what's new in store" whilst feeding my face... I only got as far as the River Island  app as it was bursting with new stuff (I heart summer clothes), before I knew it I had screen shot (see instructions and previous obsession confession in Style Stalking.. and see if you get hooked) two potential purchases;

Dress £45 River Island screams holiday to me..Just add heels, an arm full of bangles, Mojito and a yellow envelope clutch..
Tee £18 River Island... as long as this fits tight across the top of the back and hangs well this is going with ankle grazer white jeans and flat gold gladiator sandals...

That's me for today, this evening takes me to a "Candle Party"... (yep, definitely mid thirties)...although the promise of pizza and wine dragged me there oh and all my lovely friends of course!

Happy Friday x

Style Stalking...

My name's Karen and I stalk style, there I said it!! This obsession is not just confined to the streets, oh no i got it baaad... (*hangs head*)

In my defence, it's more research based than anything else - I'm really interested in what people wear and why but mainly, I love getting new ideas and inspiration from others. I swoon over the latest trends yet, if i know it isn't "me" then I'll take the look and make it more my own style. I'd interpret my look as classic with modern edge... One has to consider ones age you know!  

For example; I'm loving the leather look pleated skater skirts right now and don't get me wrong, I have tried a few ( 10+ = a few ) on in different stores yet, no matter how I look at it, its a NO!!! I can't help feeling like i'm in my old school gym skirt and thats a feeling I don't want to bring back to my life! I finally settled on a straight fitted one from Zara because, I NEEDED a leather skirt in my life!

One recent style stalk bought me to this outfit - basically I saw this girl who I thought looked great in simple denim and black, I instantly took to my wardrobe to see how I could do something similar with what I had in my own style... the result below... (Don't be running off to go and check your wardrobes, there's a bit more to go yet)..

Denim shirt and Boots Mango, Skirt from Zara, Belt ASOS, Sunglass Chanel

As I said, the stalking isn't a case of running up the road to have a closer look at the latest Celine bag i've been eyeballing for a while or hiding behind bushes to see what necklace they have put with that shirt...there are many forms (please don't be scared), its just that I like to spend my money wisely (like that would stand up in court)...;

Internet - What the hell did we do without it?? I regularly check out the "new in store" section in my favourite shops from the comfort of my sofa, its a good way to see the new stuff before it actually does hit the shops. You can also see online exclusives etc.. (I refer you to "that" dress featured in The Progress and The Frock in Monday's post). If I see a look I like online I always screen shot it on my phone (screen shot with an iPhone is pressing the top button and navigate button at the same time, I have no idea with other phones, soz) to save the look or idea...Below is a screen shot of some black boots (that I am now the proud owner of), my trusty pair came to an abrupt end (zip bust) and I needed a replacement pair A-SAP, I didn't have time to trawl the shops so I did my research online..found these, added to basket, arrived 2 days later, barely taken them off... Genius.
Boots, Topshop

I have a whole folder dedicated to fashion on my phone (I'm sane, I do have a life, honest)...

Too much...?

Then there's the blogs and style sharing websites...I have noted below a couple for now that i have subscribed to and in fact, need in my life (too much?)..; - The creation of Poppy Dinsey who started off blogging what she wore everyday. I mentioned WIWT in a previous post and if I'm honest, having posted a daily outfit on the website for the last 5 months, it has given me the confidence to do this now - Cheers Poppy! Oh and just so you know, you don't have to be wearing the latest fashion and be a super model to have a go! It's great for having fun with what you wear and obviously, checking out what everyone else is wearing! Stalking potential 10/10! - I love her style, I say "her", her name is Laura and when talking to other friends that follow her, we mention "Laura" like we actually know her (I realise how this sounds).

Magazines - Top of my Christmas list every year is the Grazia subscription, it arrives every Tuesday without fail (and usually why I don't make my spln class), I often find myself taking a photo of a look I plan to rip off or buy...They even do a weekly "Style Hunter" section (they get me).

I guess the reason for the (extensive) research (which will probably land me a restraining order) is that I've dropped plenty of shopping clangers in my time and now, older, wiser and with the time I put into research before shopping, I tend to take less back and make as many mistakes (there are still a few, i'm not perfect). I'm proud to say there is nothing in the wardrobe thats still got a label on and if I change my mind, it goes back, END OF! 

This takes me to another pearl of wisdom from my fabulous Nan - If you see it, like it, buy it, you can always take it back because you know when you go back to get it, it won't be there... She's right, i've fallen into the "i'll wait 'til I get paid/hmmm i'm not sure/i'll think about it hell hole and trust me, all I could hear were her words ringing around my sorry head! She's featured in my last two posts so, its only fair you get to meet her...(she knows her shizzle). DISCLAIMER ON BEHALF OF MY NAN - Just check you can actually return and get a full refund, there's a couple of cheeky shops out there who won't and only give exchange or credit!!!

Nan, Everybody, Everbody, my Nan...

That's it from me today, be back soon.. x

Working 9-5..

Alright, those that know me know, I work a little more than 9-5 but hey, I need to work to maintain my shopping habits after all! If that dodgy country song is now stuck in your head.. ( you are welcome ).. 

It's kind of a speedy blog post from me tonight as I do actually really have proper real work to be doing, it's silly season (end of financial year) oh and, I have a big meeting with customers tomorrow and I have an outfit to plan (priorities people, priorities).

Following on from yesterdays staggering blog results (I'm turning into a major stats nerd), I just want to share another bit of news and say hello to readers from across the globe... well actually, I can only greet you with a "hello" because the only language I could possibly have a go at is French and that is a little, how do you say ..Del Boy!

Some of you will know I have set up a Facebook page too with links to the blog (you can also comment on there) - if you haven't got a google account and can't sign up to Mission;Style updates then, like the page and I'll bombard you from there... KABOOM!!

Enough of the shameless self promotion and on with the blog in hand... 

This one is inspired by a comment left on my Facebook page yesterday - Work Clothes... how many of us actually really like what we wear to work?? I struggle with work clothes (like most of us I'm thinking)...they are always at the bottom of my shopping list because I really begrudge spending money in this department. Thinking about it, we spend more time in these clothes than most others so, we have to feel good and should invest well ( this doesn't necessarily mean £££$$$). Feeling good/comfortable in your clothes is so important as it affects your confidence and mood (in my opinion). How many times have you downgraded your "normal" clothes to work clothes because " it'll do for work.."?

My job takes me all over the UK presenting to clients on very different levels, one day it could be the Chief Financial Officer of a Global company, the next someone in a general administrative role - I tend to dress to my audience (luckily I don't have any strip clubs on my client list, sequins chaf !!) ... This goes back to my theory of " first impressions count", this can work in and out of your favour so getting it right can be tricky. Major disclaimer - I'm not the expert however, I've made enough mistakes to know whats not right.

I used to stress about finding suits that fit (you'll understand this more as you read on) and then spending a fortune on tailoring (I'll come back to that on another day)!! I've kind of relaxed things now (mainly as suits just don't work on me and, they are a bit 90's YUPPIE). You can look just as smart in a nice fitting jacket and my weakness, slim fit black trousers! If I find a pair that fit well, I buy 2-3 pairs (nothing more gutting than when they ruin, wear out or you burn them with the iron and you can't replace right?!) My faves this season are from Next and they do a petite fit too!! I have been asked where they are from a few times, winner!

The other thing I've tried to do is add some colour to my work wardrobe - I literally just used to wear grey, black and white (yawn). Again, it can be tricky to get it right without looking cheap (but still not spending a fortune). I get around this by adding accessories/belt/scarf or some kinda pattern... basically, just not being a total plain Jane.

This is what I wore to work yesterday ;

Jumper Zara, white shirt Charles Tyrwitt, black slim fit trews Next, shoes Dune, necklace Primark.

The one thing that never changes in my work wardrobe is the heel height - I'm 5ft 1" (on a big hair day) (and the reason I can't get a decent suit) and if I'm honest, need all the height assistance I can get. Oh oh oh, on the subject of heels, I snagged a beaut of a bargain in the end of the sales last weekend, these sweethearts were £70 down to £35 (at which point I was still a little undecided as the toe is fairly rounded), this was until I got to the till and the lovely assistance asked me for £22!!! Decision made, box 'em up love!!

That's me done, just time to leave you a couple of pearls of wisdom from my super stylish Nan ( yeah, that's right! )...;

1) Clothes look all lovely when they are neatly displayed in the shops inviting us to buy them (well most of them, if they look crap and creased on the hanger AVOID, they ain't gonna' get any better when you steam the life out of them when you get home!). Before buying anything do the "scrunch test" in the shop - this is just as it says on the tin, give the corner of said garment a grab and give it a squeeze, if it stays "scrunched" its got to be a no go, imagine what it'll look like after a full day at work... the homeless look isn't going to catch on this season, or any.
2) See something you like but you're not sure what to put with it - open your eyes, the clever store merchandisers place items that should work together near buy and on the mannequins . Same rules apply with on line shopping, you see something you like and they will normally recommend another item or style it with something else... go on, push the boundaries ( I added that last bit, my Nan isn't exactly Bill Gates ).

That's it from me, peace out x

The Progress and The Frock..

WOW!! What an amazing few days and start to Mission;Style.. After clicking on various links I stumbled across the "stats" page for my blog ( who'd have thought this would be sooo clever ). Anyhow, I was blown away by the amount of pages views and comments so far after just 2 days - Mum, get the scrapbook out!!! 

I read this as 451 pages views so far and these are from as far a-field as OZ, India, the US of A, Germany, Italy, Spain and Brazil and I definitely do not have family in all of those places! 

Enough of bigging up my badself and on with the main reason for why I'm here...

As some of you know, I upload a daily outfit to WIWT and have been for 5 months or so. WIWT is the UK's largest on line outfit sharing site - totes amaze balls for getting ideas and generally being nosey at what others wear ( who doesn't love that?!? ) You can click the "widget" on the right hand side of my blog to see my daily ensembles, warts and all!! Since joining this site, it has made me focus on what I wear a little more and also made me dig out some stuff hiding in the wardrobe for sometime!

I don't claim to be a fashion guru, fashion/style is all about having a bit of fun yet, feeling amazing - its one thing you have to do for yourself everyday (unless you're the Queen, she probably doesn't get the sweats when she realises her fave top is on the ironing pile or still in the washing machine and now smells like wet dog..)

So to my first outfit post on here... After some thought, I decided to showcase the "Christmas Party Frock". 

Christmas Parties/Weddings = What if someone has my dress on? Hell, what if they look better than me? What if I'm over/under dressed? What are the potential outfit malfunctions related to said outfit when consuming a sherry or two? IT'S A MINEFIELD!!!

I invested a little bit of time in researching the frock (that means a lot) and if I'm honest, I think I struck gold! 1) No one else had it on 2) Perfectly suitable for the occasion/venue/crowd 3) Hmmm well, it's a full skirt which kept me on my toes in the galeforce winds outside the hotel and, the fabric is likely to be highly flammable - 2 out of 3 = winner!

The dress was £95 ( major bargain ) from Miss Selfridge and appeared to only be available online - so worth always checking websites for online specials and exclusives. These photos of the frock are actually from a special birthday celebration of a dear friend last weekend... YEAH, I'VE WORN THIS DRESS TWICE!! 

The belt was an early Christmas present from Our Kid (my affectionate name for my sister). It's from ASOS, £20 and still available online. It was my little twist to the dress and cinched in the waist (see Gok, I listened)!!

Down to the shoes ( hmmm, shoes ), these little beauties are Jimmy Choo from Selfridges. I bought them last year and have worn them to death, if I was to do a "cost per wear" I reckon I'd be near £7-8 per wear!! I know they are a luxury item but, how many pairs of shoes do you have that cost ( thinks of a number) £30 and you've worn once?? I know I have a few and for those without a calculator, that's £30 per wear... Its clear how I justify spending to myself, the Chancellor probably wants to thank me.... 

There it is, the first outfit and lots more chatter from me.... Did you have ever a "Dress-Mare"? Do you have any a luxury item ( or two ) you can't live without? 

If you've got this far, thanks for sticking with me and reading!!


After dipping my ( newly shellac'd ) toe into the world of blogging yesterday, my mind has been racing with subject matters - the creative fairies are working away in my head. 

Without doubt, once I get my mind set on what I want to do and how I want to do it there is no stopping me.. until now! This is all very new, I am having to go back to books ( these are lots of pieces of paper bound by a cover and contain lots of information deemed as useful).... I'm borderline techno panic attack!!

My beautiful BFF Andrea is a blogger and from a far, ( Bondi - lets not talk about it, she said "2 years tops", this time period is nearly up and I will be at Heathrow on 22nd April to collect her, FACT! ) via Whatsapp and email, has been sending me hints and tips!

Obvs, if anyone does have any feedback, advice, hints or can speed read and summarise these books then, get in touch!

So, I'm out of here for now, leaving you with the overused brackets, your Sunday roasts and big fluffy socks whilst I get on with ploughing through these beauties..

See ya' x

Snow Day..

Yesterday it snowed, we all know that right..?! Day 1 of snow is fun, you get to play ( yeah i'm 30 something ) and if you're like me, spend the day wondering what you can wear that is still a little stylish yet, practical. 

For me, i couldn't wait to bust out my new Hunter wellies with matching fleece socks! As luck would have it, I also had a pair of jeans from Gap that kinda went too... TaDa!

Standard - I loved the snow and even ( like the excitable child I can be ), made me a Fro-Man!! 

The downside to "Snow Day" is the days after... sludge, ice and the need to walk bent legged in case you do publicly stack it! What the hell do you wear then eh?

This concerning thought was put to the test this very day when a reminder went off on my phone at 8am to tell me that it was brunch in 2 hours with the girls at a local restaurant.. TRIFFIC... A few minutes later I had the contents of ones wardrobe spewed across the floor...

So, I managed to throw this little outfit together and honestly, secretly pleased with the result... smart/cas/brunch with girls/walk 15 minutes on ice... CHECK!

The skirt was from Urban Outfitters in the summer and the biker boots Kurt Geiger ( I really wanted the Jimmy Choo ones alas, couldn't stretch too ). The jumper is my absolute favourite buy in January and although you can barely see it, i can guarantee it will feature on my blog ( ohhh check me out )..For now though, its from Topshop and new in store. 

Fro-Man - styled by me! 

Jeez, i've rambled on, used too many brackets and if i'm perfectly honest, realised my grammar is all over the place.

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