The Lure of the Red Sign....
14 December 2013
For Starters...
I've been MIA the past few of weeks, regular posts had gone out of the window due to a pretty hefty workload and then last weekend, I was struck down with a nasty infection that wiped me out - MAN DOWN!
I'm definitely on the mend as I'm starting to want to get dressed...Don't be under any illusions, by dressed I don't mean bang on the heels and some sequins (it's Christmas, sequins are necessary!)..No, as in getting dressed, PERIOD (and hence, the lack of #OOTD!)
The second indication that I'm shuffling away from deaths door *touches wood* and starting to feel slightly more human is the urge to shop! This may be from the comfort of my sofa right now but still, it's shopping.
The Sales...
It's getting to that point where mark downs are happening and the big Boxing Day craziness is just 'round the corner so in a conscious effort not to overspend (ahem..), not buy tat, not panic buy, not...etc etc, (we've all been there)... I've spent some quality (need to get out/get a grip) time on bookmarking the pieces I'm watching carefully, hoping that they hit huge reductions in the coming weeks...
Instagram Your Sale Buys...
Fancy sharing your sale buys (we all get slightly smug..)?
I'm setting up a cheeky hashtag on Instagram so we can all see what got our pulses racing... Take a pic of your buy, upload onto Instagram and hashtag #ibaggedthis and if you wanna', you can also tag @missionstyleuk too!
The First Win...
This teeny tiny obsession has paid off this very morning with my first sales WIN that are now winging their way to me..;
The Dune brogues featured in my brogue post here, a metallic tick in the box and HALF PRICE - buy here.
Leopard print, corset style, a splash of colour and already in the River Island sale here for 25 GREAT BRITISH POUNDS!
I've been eyeballing this for a while, quite possibly a good transition piece for SS14 - Buy here.
I so nearly caved and purchased this Sophie Hulme bag yesterday... Word is, Harvey Nics are having a flash sale next weekend, it can wait... Buy here.
How very sensible of me...I love it but, it needs to drop comfortably below £100 for me to consider..(C'mon Mango, for me?) - Buy here.
Last Bit of Sale Advice...
In the spirit of sharing..
1) If you're looking for something on a retailers own website and can't find it, remember they might also stock in a department store/multi retailer website such as House of Fraser, ASOS...etc etc...
2) Consider the up and coming SS14 trends... for me, I'm going to try and bag some serious embellishment.
What do you think of my 'first draft sale wish list'? Are you gonna' join me on Instagram and share your bargain buys?
LAST NOTE - I have a December rule, absolutely not/never/ever go anywhere near a city/mall/retail establishment on the weekend so any buys are procured through the WWW or, very late at night when the sensible are tucked up at home!
Glad you're on the mend :)
ReplyDeleteSome ledge pieces here...espesh the bag!
WOW...I'm all over Harvey Nics next weekend then :)
#I'llGetOnInstaGramSoonPromise !!!!
I'm totally back, thanks!! I do so love the bag.... The sale wish list is getting a smidhe outta control x